
  • What does this pacakge do?, what model does it fit. What is the model assumptions
  • What funcitons does this package include.
  • Why it is important
  • The theory and algorithms in this implementation are described xxx.


To install the latest development version of BHAM package from GitHub, type the following command in R console:

if (!require(devtools)) {
devtools::install_github("boyiguo1/BHAM", build_vignettes = FALSE)

You can also set build_vignettes=TRUE but this will slow down the installation drastically (the vignettes can always be accessed online anytime at

Quick Start

In this section, we describe to the users the general sense of the package. We introduce how to 1) prepare the high-dimensional design matrix for fitting the proposed model, 2) fit generalized additive model and Cox proportional hazard additive model, 3) tune the model and assess the performance, and 4) visualize the bi-level variable selection.



We use the spline functions and ancillary functions from the package mgcv to create spline data


Simulate data

We write a function that follows the data generating equation from Bai (citation). The outcome distribution could come from one of Gaussian, Poisson, or Binomial distributions. Please see (function link) here. Note here, the data output from the the simulation function is “raw” data. In order to have the final design matrix for analysis, you need to set up the spline functions of your preference via a data frame (see example in ), and use the function construct_smooth_data.

set.seed(1) ## simulate some data... 

n_train <- 500
n_test <- 1000
p <- 10

# Train Data
train_dat <- sim_Bai(n_train, p)
dat <- train_dat$dat %>% data.frame
theta <- train_dat$theta

# Test Data
test_tmp <- sim_Bai(n_test, p)
test_dat <- test_tmp$dat %>% data.frame
test_theta <- test_tmp$theta

Make Design Matrix

Set up Spline function

Since our models are primarily designed for high-dimensional applications. Hence, we are mindful about how to formulate the regression equation. Our solution here is to use a data frame which contains the necessary components of a spline function, in the format of Var Func, Args, which later passed to a parser function, which will assemble the regression equation for you. We believe such automation process, implemented in construct_smooth_data, will ease the task load to set up the regression formula, when the number of spline components grows to tens or hundreds.

# Low-dimensional setting
mgcv_df <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~Var, ~Func, ~Args,
    "X1",  "s",     "bs='cr', k=5",
    "X2",  "s",     NA,
    "X3",  "s",    "",

# High-dimensional setting
mgcv_df <- data.frame(
  Var = setdiff(names(dat), "y"),
  Func = "s",
  Args ="bs='cr', k=7"
Make Design Matrix

We use smoothCon from the package mgcv to construct the . Hence, our construct_smooth_data have the potential to work with user-defined spline functions as long as it follows mgcv standard.

In our construct_smooth_data, we have taken multiple reparameterization steps via smoothCon: 1) linear constraints, 2) eigen decomposition of the smoothing matrix \(S\) to isolate null and penalized spaces, 3) scaling of the design matrix to have unit variance for each column of the data set, i.e. bases of the design matrix.

train_sm_dat <- construct_smooth_data(mgcv_df, dat)
train_smooth_data <- train_sm_dat$data
Make Prediction Matrix

Due to the reparameterization in the design matrix, it creates complication with setting up the design matrix for the test data. Hence, we write an wrapping function for PredictMat from mgcv.

train_smooth <- train_sm_dat$Smooth
test_sm_dat <- make_predict_dat(train_sm_dat$Smooth, dat = test_dat)

Fitting the model

The model fitting function is similar to

# lasso_mdl <- cv.glmnet(train_smooth_data %>% as.matrix, dat$y, family = "binomial")
# lasso_mdl <- glmnet(train_smooth_data %>% as.matrix, dat$y, family = "binomial", lambda=lasso_mdl$lambda.min)

mdl1_scale <- bgam(y~.-y,
         data = data.frame(scale(train_smooth_data), y = dat$y), family = "binomial", prior =  mde(), group = make_group(names(train_smooth_data)))
mdl3 <- bgam(y~.-y,
         data = data.frame(train_smooth_data, y = dat$y), family = "binomial", prior = mt(df=Inf), group = make_group(names(train_smooth_data), penalize_null = FALSE))
# mdl2 <- bamlasso(x = train_smooth_data, y = dat$y, family = "binomial", group = make_group(names(train_smooth_data)))

Tuning via Cross-validation

s0_seq <- seq(0.005, 0.1, 0.01)


tmp <- cv.bgam(mdl1)
# Validation
# set.seed(1)
# tmp2 <-

res <- tune.bgam(mdl1, s0 = s0_seq)

# res <- map_dfr(s0_seq, .f = function(.s0, .mdl){
#  set.seed(1)
#  tmp <- cv.bgam(.mdl, s0 = .s0) 
#  tmp$measures %>% t() %>% data.frame 
# },
# .mdl = mdl1) %>% 
#   data.frame(s0 = s0_seq,.)


tmp <- cv.bgam(mdl2)
# set.seed(1)
# tmp2 <-

res <- tune.bgam(mdl2, s0 = s0_seq)


Many of the functionalities in the R package BhGLM can be directly applied to the bgam and bamlasso models, for example cross validations

if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("devtools")
if (!requireNamespace("BhGLM", quietly = TRUE)) install_github("boyiguo1/BhGLM@spline")
if (!requireNamespace("pROC", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("pROC")

Model Results Summary

Functional Selection

df.adj(mdl1, names(train_smooth_data)[grep("x2[.]pen", names(train_smooth_data))])
df.adj(mdl1, names(train_smooth_data)[grep("x20[.]pen", names(train_smooth_data))])
calculate_EDF(mdl1, names(train_smooth_data)[grep("x2[.]pen", names(train_smooth_data))])
calculate_EDF(mdl1, names(train_smooth_data)[grep("x20[.]pen", names(train_smooth_data))])

calculate_EDF(mdl1, names(train_smooth_data)[grep("x1[.]null", names(train_smooth_data))])
